Viz Social User Guide

Version 1.1 | Published January 26, 2022 ©


This section includes information about:

Number Integration

The telephone number (MSISDN) used by your audience to send WhatsApp messages is the most important enabler for WhatsApp search. The only prerequisite for this is the registration of one or more MSISDNs. You can either just ask your account representative for 1 or more numbers, or explicitly provide the ones you want to use to us. In case you prefer to choose a number yourself, then it has to satisfy the following criteria:

  • The number must never have been used in a mobile device for WhatsApp before.

  • The number must be real and able to receive phone calls/SMS. This will be needed to
    receive the activation code.

  • The number cannot be a shortcode or toll-free.

  • The number can either have a fixed or mobile format.

The registration process will be fully handled by It usually takes just 3-4 days to activate a new number, but the official maximum lead time set by Facebook (who own
WhatsApp) is 2 weeks.

Each registered number, regardless of its origin, will be yours and will never be shared with anyone else. However, as long as it is registered for receiving messages via Viz Social, the number must not be used for WhatsApp on a mobile device.

You can register as many numbers as you like. Once registered you can associate individual numbers with specific productions or campaigns and set-up Viz Social accordingly. Numbers will be yours indefinitely (unless you decide to cancel them) and you can reuse them for different purposes as often as you want.

Note: WhatsApp access is a separately licensed option. Please contact your account representative to discuss conditions and details.


Once one or more numbers have been registered, it becomes really easy to set up WhatsApp Searches. Go to Gather > WhatsApp > Select number > Save

All Search management functions (For example pause/play, rename, delete) and the Filter set are available as usual. Once captured by the platform, the posts from WhatsApp can be used like any other Post sourcing Carousels, Polls, and Other Formats.


Auto Response

The WhatsApp channel also provides support for instant automated replies (often used as confirmation and/or thank-you notes). To enable this, please navigate to the auto-reply tab of a WhatsApp Search in Gather and fill in its fields (note that image attachments are allowed, but video attachments are not). After saving, a response will be sent back for every incoming message.
