Viz Pilot User Guide

Version 8.8 | Published September 25, 2023 ©


A Single toolbar operates in two different modes - one for template design (Design mode) and one for testing (Run mode).

In addition, the Viz Indicator on the toolbar shows Template Wizard’s connection status to Viz Engine.

The Run/Design button toggles the two modes:


  • Run (F9): Switches to Run Mode. This mode requires that a template is open.

  • Design (F9): Switches to Design Mode. This mode is the default mode.

Note: Toggle the run and design modes by using the F9 key.

Run Mode


  • Load: Loads the scene on Viz and starts the preview.

  • Continue: Continues the scene animation if the scene contains stop points.

  • Take Out: Takes the scene off-air.

  • Back: Resets the scene to its starting position.

  • Refresh: Refreshes the scene with new data without reanimating the scene.

  • Preview: Loads the scene on Viz and starts the preview.

  • Camera (1-4): Previews the scene from 4 camera angles (configured in Viz).

Note: Refresh and Preview requires scenes that use Control plugins.

Design Mode


  • New: Opens the Wizard to select scenes for automatic template creation.

  • Open: Browses for and opens an existing template.

  • Save: Opens the Save Template dialog.

Viz Indicator


The Viz indicator in the upper right corner shows which output machine Template Wizard is connected to.