Viz Vectar Plus User Guide

Version 1.2 | Published April 12, 2022 ©

Switcher Row Banks


In standard Switcher mode, two Switcher rows labeled PGM (Program) and PREV (Preview) are shown. Clicking a button in the Program or Preview row selects the active video source for that bus (note that Audio sources can optionally be affected by Switcher activity). Viz Vectar Plus Program and Preview rows represent all available video sources in banks of buttons. The number of banks vary according to the number of supported sources.

  • Bank 1 is shown by default.

  • Hold down ALT on the keyboard to reveal Bank 2.

  • Releasing ALT, Bank 1 is re-displayed.

  • Press ALT + CTRL to momentarily display Bank 3 (when supported).

  • It’s possible to latch banks, either by clicking Bank buttons on the screen, or by pressing TAB to cycle the currently displayed bank.

Tip: The standard Switcher (and M/Es with transitions assigned) show selection hint tags beneath their rows when the selected source is in another bank. Click a tag to jump to the bank the source is hosted in.