Viz Mosart Administrator Guide

Version 5.6 | Published July 22, 2024 ©

Virtual Set


  • Virtual Set: Check to enable virtual set control.

  • Virtual Set: BRAINSTORM, Viz Virtual Studio.

  • Connection string: Server=hostname; [port=portnumber;] [mode=mixmode;].

Connection String Parameters for Viz Virtual Studio

  • Server: IP address or network name of machine where Viz Tracking Hub is running. Required.

  • Port: TCP/IP port Viz Tracking Hub accepts connections. Optional.
    Default value is 20000.

  • LocalIP: IP address of local network interface. Optional. Default value is first Ethernet interface.

  • Router: Router name configured in Viz Tracking Hub. Optional.
    Default value is first router in Viz Tracking Hub.

Sample Connection string: Server=;Port=20000

Camera set index enumeration starts from 1. This means that if a router has two camera sets configured, their indices will be 1 and 2.

Known Issue: Driver cannot detect when hub server is going offline. For example, if you kill the server, the driver keeps sending messages to server without an error being raised.