Template Builder User Guide

Version 3.1 | Published June 26, 2024 ©


A list of known issues and their fixes are listed below.

Create New Button Not Displayed on UI

An outdated PDS version (<8.5) is installed. Install version 8.5 or above. Preview Server must also be updated to 4.4.1 or above.

Note: Pilot Data Server version 8.6 is mandatory for Transition Logic support.

GH Scenes Tree Not Displayed when Pressing Create New

Make sure that http://<PDS server>:8177/app/DataServerConfig/DataServerConfig.html → graphic_hub_url is properly set.

An Error Message is Shown when attempting to Open a Scene

An outdated GH REST version (<3.4.2) is installed. Install version 3.4.2 or later.

Preview Server Error Message Shown when trying to Open a Scene

Check that the http://<PDS server>:8177/app/DataServerConfig/DataServerConfig.htmlpreview_server_uri property is set.

Scene Blocked due to Outdated or Empty Geom

If the Geom of a scene is outdated or empty when creating a transition logic template, Template Builder blocks the use of the scene.
To fix this, save or update the scene in Viz Artist > 4.2.

Important: The feature below must be enabled in the Viz Artist config file.

Enable automatic creation of merged geometries when saving a transition logic scene: AutoExportTransitionLogicGeometries = 1.

See the Viz Artist User Guide for more information on editing the Viz Artist config file.


Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.