Graphics Plugin Administrator Guide

Version 2.1 | Published October 06, 2017 ©

Basic Workflow

The basic Graphics Plugin workflow is straight forward:

  • Import video -> Import graphic -> Move graphic to video

The typical workflow from template design to rendering

A typical workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. A graphics designer creates a scene in Viz Artist.

  2. The scene is either added as a template to a Viz Trio show or created as a template for use with Viz Pilot in Template Wizard.

  3. An editor or a journalist edits a video using an NLE system.

    • Using Vizrt’s Graphics Plugin, the user can access and add graphics to the video.

    • Graphics properties can be edited using the graphics templates in either the Graphics Plugin Editor, Viz Trio, Viz Pilot or Viz Pilot Edge.

  4. The video clip is rendered and saved to a shared file server or a Media Asset Management (MAM) system, such as Viz One.

  5. Once the file is saved or posted to the MAM system, it can also be added to a playlist for playout on Viz Engine.

For details on how to use the Graphics Plugin in the various Supported NLE Systems, see VizBoldTypical Workflows for NLE Work Stations.