LivePanel allows users to create custom control panels for TriCaster, accessible through a web browser.

LivePanel also offers various production-ready tools for remote video mixing, media playback, audio mixing, and macro automation.

The launchpad will provide a simple way to log into the LivePanel using the pre-configured password for the Admin user.

Working with LivePanel

Prerequisites: Network Ports

Live Panel requires the opening of the following ports:





<client network>


<Tricaster Now Public IP instance(s) >



Opening Live Panel from Viz Now LaunchPad

To open LivePanel

  1. (warning) Make sure the TriCaster application has started and that you have a production session in progress (that you have created a new session, or opened an existing one) before attempting to open the LivePanel from the LaunchPad.

  2. Using the LaunchPad go to the OPEN menu and select Live Panel.

  3. A new window appears hosting the LivePanel.
    The username and password can be retrieved from the top bar menu.

    1. Click each button to copy its value to the internal clipboard.

    2. Right click on the correct field and select Paste

    3. Click Sign in when complete.

The LivePanel is now available.

Live Panel Credentials 

(warning) Do not update Live Panel credentials. These values are managed automatically by the system.