Viz Engine Administrator Guide
Version 3.13 | Published March 28, 2019 ©
The Plug-ins panel lists all installed plug-ins recognized as valid. To display all information correctly, you must open Viz Config from Viz Artist, as the plug-ins are not actually loaded in the Viz Config standalone application. However you can still enable or disable the loading state. Some unlicensed plug-ins do not load, while others do. In the latter case, a watermark is shown. Viz Artist/Engine does not load inactive plug-ins during run-time. If a scene uses a plug-in that is deactivated, Viz Artist/Engine is unable to activate it without restarting.
Plug-in categories are:
For detailed information about the various available plug-ins, see the Viz Artist User Guide in these sections:
Geometry Plug-ins
Container Plug-ins
Scene Plug-ins
Shader Plug-ins
All plug-ins can individually be activated or deactivated. If a plug-in is inactive it is not loaded at startup. All inactive plug-ins are listed under the Inactive panel. Click the drop-down menu to select a plug-in category.
See Also