Viz Pilot Edge User Guide
Version 2.2 | Published December 21, 2021 ©
Installing Viz Pilot Edge for ActiveX Based Systems
Some newsroom systems support plugin applications, but not HTML plugin applications like Viz Pilot Edge. Show Edge, an HTML wrapper for systems that only support ActiveX based plugins, must be installed on such systems.
Run the Show Edge installer:
The Show Edge installer is in the same location as Viz Pilot Edge. Following the location of Viz Pilot Edge at the top of this page, the Show Edge installer is available at: http://pds-host-name:8177/app/pilotedge/ShowEdgeInstaller.exe
Run the Vizrt_Show_Edge-x.y.exe file on the client machine.
Note: For remote installation on multiple machines, the installation file that includes the --msi parameter must be used. This creates a sub-folder containing the .msi file. In the command line, run: Vizrt_Show_Edge-x.y.exe --msi
The URL to access Viz Pilot Edge is required during installation.
Enter the URL in the installer window that appears after running the .exe installer.
For the MSI installation, set the Viz Pilot Edge URL using the PE_URL property: msiexec.exe /i ShowEdge.msi "PE_URL=http://pds-host-name:8177/pilotedge".
If the MSI installation is used, the default install directory can be overridden with the parameter INSTALLDIR: msiexec.exe /i ShowEdge.msi "PE_URL=http://pds-host-name:8177/pilotedge" "INSTALLDIR=mypath".
Opening the Show Pilot Edge application from the start menu opens the configured URL in a browser window.
The URL can be changed by doing one of the following:
For the .exe installation, first uninstall and then re-install Show Edge. Enter a different URL in the installation window.
For the MSI installation, it's not necessary to uninstall to change the URL. Simply run with a different URL in the command line: msiexec.exe /i ShowEdge.msi "PE_URL=change_the_URL".
Run ShowEdge.exe with the desired URL parameter in the command line.
Note: To access help in the command window, run: ShowEdge.exe help