TriCaster Now provides users with basic tools for monitoring usage and estimating available production time, based on remaining credits.

For the current version of TriCaster Now, these simple methods can help you keep track of your credits and ensure you have enough time for your live productions.

This section help you verify your platform usage and estimate time remaining.

Credit and Time

Monitoring Credits with Viz Now LaunchPad

  1. Launch Viz Now LaunchPad by opening the Viz Now LaunchPad application on your computer.

  2. Login and enter your credentials to log in to your TriCaster Now account.

  3. In the Viz Now LaunchPad interface, click on More info. This displays how many credits you have available.

  4. During your production. Monitor credits by keeping an eye on your credit balance while you work on your live production. This balance decreases as you use the TriCaster Now platform.

Estimating Remaining Time

While a more detailed platform usage report is coming soon, you can estimate your remaining time based on your credit balance and the usage rate of credits during your live production.

A simple estimation method:

  1. Check Credit Usage Rate: Based on your previous usage and the complexity of your live production, estimate the number of credits you use per hour.
    As a general guideline, for HD video quality using H.264, you can expect to use approximately three credits per hour see section Estimating Required Credit.

  2. Calculate Remaining Time: Divide your available credit balance by the estimated credit usage rate per hour. This gives you an approximate remaining time in hours.

  3. Plan Accordingly: Use this estimated remaining time to plan your live production. Ensure that you have enough credits to cover the entire duration of your broadcast, including setup, the live show, and any post-show activities.

Future Improvements

TriCaster Now is continuously evolving, and Vizrt is working on providing users with more comprehensive and detailed platform usage reports.

These reports offer you a more accurate and real-time view of your credit usage, making it easier to manage your live productions effectively.

In the meantime, please use the basic monitoring tools available in Viz Now LaunchPad and the credit estimation method to ensure a smooth and successful live production.