Viz Mosart User Guide
Version 5.6 | Published April 04, 2024 ©
Managing NRCS Rundowns
Working with iNews Rundowns
To add an iNEWS rundown to Viz Mosart
Note: The menu item Edit rundowns only displays when iNEWS is connected to Viz Mosart.
In the Viz Mosart UI, select Tools > Edit rundowns.
You can also view these added rundowns from the Tools menu:
Tools > Arrange Rundowns menu.
Story Status Updates with Avid iNews Web Services
You can automatically update the iNEWS rundown with Viz Mosart story status updates. This is a useful utility that, for example, can provide clip availability to the NRCS user.
For a setup description and usage examples, please refer to the section Avid iNews Web Service for Status Feedback in the Appendix of the Viz Mosart Administrator Guide.
Working with MOS-based Rundowns
To select a rundown from the NRCS
From the Rundowns > NCS active option on the menu bar, select your required rundown.
To add a MOS-based rundown
In the Viz Mosart UI, select Tools > Edit rundowns.
To modify a MOS-based rundown
Tools > Edit rundowns
From the drop-down menu, select NCS active.
This displays all rundowns sent from the NRCS to Viz Mosart. -
From the displayed rundown rows, select required rundown.
It will be highlighted in orange.
Perform required rundown action, remembering to end with the Apply button.
To load a MOS-based rundown
To display and run a specific rundown, select the rundown entry from a row under Rundowns > NCS active.
(Selecting a rundown from this menu is equivalent to the Timeline keyboard shortcut, Reload Rundown).
To select a ready to air rundown
A special, predefined rundown is the ready to air rundown.
Tools > Edit rundowns
From the drop-down menu, select Ready to air.
All rundowns with Ready to Air status are displayed, sorted by editorial start time. -
From the displayed rundown rows, select required ready to air rundown.
Note: Any new rundowns connected to Viz Mosart, with status Ready to Air, are added or appended to this listing.