Service Host Administrator Guide

Version 1.2 | Published January 23, 2019 ©

WIBU Licensing

This chapter describes management and usage of the new licensing system based on CodeMeter from WIBU Systems available in Channel Recorder 1.3 and later.

Important Pre-installation Information

The WIBU licensing system requires the installation of the CodeMeter Runtime Software 6.60a. This is included as part of the bundle installation of Service Host and Channel Recorder. When the license is retrieved from a dedicated license server, it must be configured in the Vizrt Licensing Service (see the Installation section of the Viz Licensing Administrator Guide) or the CodeMeter WebAdmin.

Please refer to the Viz Licensing Administrator Guide for further detailed information.

  • There is an auto discovery if no license server is configured in the server search list of CodeMeter.

  • On network disconnect and reconnect, it may happen that a license is checked out twice. In this case, it must be released manually on the CodeMeter service on the license server or the license server can be restarted.

Key Features of the Licensing System

  • Dongle less operation on the clients with monitoring and logging capabilities.

  • Grace periods for allocated licenses to avoid immediate expiration on short network interruptions.

  • Configurable WIBU license container location (local, network).

General Workflow of the Licensing System

  • Channel Recorder is unable to start up if any requested license is missing during start up.

  • If Service Host core license has expired or is not accessible during the execution of Channel Recorder, then the user will not be able to start any kind of recording.

  • If SDI input license has expired or is not accessible during the execution of Channel Recorder, then the user will not be able to start any kind of recording.

  • If DNxHD license has expired or is not accessible during the execution of Channel Recorder, then the user will not be able to set the config codec to DNxHD or container to DNXHDMXF.

  • If UHD license has expired or is not accessible during the execution of Channel Recorder, then the user will not be able to set the option to enable.

  • If any of the above licenses are not accessible or have expired during a recording, then the recording will be black 100 frames every 400 frames.


Short Name


Service Host Core









UHD for Playback and Ingest



UHD for Ingest



There are two UHD license options that can be used for ingest; however, the user can only choose one. For more information regarding the difference between the two license please refer to the Viz Licensing Administrator Guide.

There is a demo license available, however the core still needs to be licensed. The demo license is useful if there is no SDI input license but the user still wants to test Channel Recorder. In the demo version UHD or DNxHD recording is not available and the recordings will be black 100 frames every 400 frames.

Basic Setup

These are the steps to set up Channel Recorder licensing with WIBU:

  1. Install Channel Recorder with the bundle installer (CodeMeter is included in the bundle).

    1. Configure CodeMeter with the Vizrt Licensing Service or the CodeMeter WebAdmin (can be opened from the CodeMeter Control Center).

  2. Configure the license system in Service Host web interface.


Please refer to the Viz Licensing Administrator Guide for detailed information regarding installation and operation of WIBU Licensing.