When setting up your TriCaster Now live session, it's essential to understand how to efficiently use the available disk storage to ensure smooth live productions.

TriCaster Now systems come equipped with different drives for various purposes. Here's a guide on how to utilize the disks effectively:

Disk Overview

C:\ Drive (Operating System Drive)

  • Usage: The C:\ drive is reserved for the operating system and system-related files.

  • Recommendation: Do not use this drive to store any live media assets, as it will be provisioned brand new upon system reversion.

D:\ Drive (Session Storage, Online Clips)

  • Usage: The D:\ drive is designed for storing assets used during your live session, such as graphics, videos, and clips.

  • Recommendation: Use the D drive to store assets you need for your live production. It provides high-performance storage to ensure quick access to media during your session.

E:\ Drive (Live Recording)

  • Usage: The E:\ drive is recommended for storing live recordings of your sessions.

  • Recommendation: Store live recordings on the E:\ drive to ensure reliable and high-performance storage for your valuable content.

Z:\ Drive (Temporary Disk)

  • Usage: The Z:\ drive is a temporary disk meant for short-term data storage.

  • Recommendation: While you can use the Z:\ drive for media recording and clipping, be aware that its content won't be included in the archiving process, and data may be lost during TriCaster Now state transitions or in case of system failure. Use it for temporary storage only when necessary.

Best Practices for Disk Usage

  1. Organize Your Assets: Keep your live media assets well-organized. Use the D:\ drive for assets needed during your live session and clips and the E:\ drive for live recordings. This ensures efficient access and management of your content.

  2. Backup Important Data: If you decide to use the Z:\ drive for temporary storage, consider regularly backing up critical data to a more permanent location (for example, D:\ or E:\ drive) to avoid potential data loss.

  3. Plan for State Transitions: Be mindful of how you use the Z:\ drive, as its content may not persist during TriCaster Now state transitions. If data persistence is essential, consider using the D:\ or E:\ drive instead.

  4. Regularly Check Disk Space: Monitor the available disk space on the D:\, E:\, and Z:\ drives to ensure you have enough storage for your live sessions. Clear unnecessary files to free up space when needed.

Note: If you did not follow the instructions on this page, the system may balance recording between disks, including the temporary Z:\ drive, and content may be lost.